Frontend State

At the heart of any application is it's data or it's logic. If your application is a data-based application, you have a tricky problem to deal with:

  • Many users updating the same data simultaneously.

This problem is especially strong in web applications where users are connected to your application's server with unreliable internet connections. One of the greatest challenges faced by web developers is how to manage the goblan state of their application (server-side) when multiple users are modifying the same data simultaneously on multiple devices.

This project will have you exploring this challenge by building simple applications with goblan and local state, then trying to use each other's applications at the same time.


Learning Objectives

  • Local vs Global state



  1. Refactor your last application so it manages application state in the frontend, only syncing with the backend when the user requests it.
  2. Deploy it.
  3. Try to use each other's apps at the same time.




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