Human Dynamics: Exercises
Do these exercises to see this stuff in action.
use the corresponding page as a reference when completing each exercise
Changing Perspectives
second draft:
use moral reframing to convince yourself you're wrong
- moral reframing
provide a set of subjects
they write their view, and counter themselves
provide a topic and 3 views
they write 2 persuastions from 2 perspectives
Frist draft:
- i like it, but somewhere else?
present a statement, like "do lobsters feel more pain than humans?"
- something non-political
- something no one will know much about
- something there isn't a lot of information about
break up in pairs and complete a document with these sections:
- Background
- relevant statistics
- major players, for and against
- ...
- Relevent concepts (mental models)
- find & explain 10+. ie. nerve transduction, conscious perception, animal rights, emotional vs physical pain
- relevent contexts
- contexts where a conclusion might change.
- boiling water, verbal abuse, ...
- relevent perspectives
- ie. economic, religious, economic, biologic
- further research questions
- 10+ questions that whose answers would bring you closer to understanding the questions. !! Not to answering it !!
- arguments for & against
- choose a stance & specify it's context & perspective. provide types of evidence that would convince you to change your mind
Open Communication
in pairs, choose a subject that you both know something about.
write lists of what you do know, don't know, and aren't sure about
share and discuss those lists
map how your knowledge overlaps and complements
write a study plan for your partner to learn what you know and they don't
Group Dynamics
begin with socializing have fun get to know each other don't talk about work or the task cooperative games turn taking / being heard multiple rounds of suggestions
- to make acceptable
worst idea you can think of
better idea
best ideas
write ideas down before, pass them around, present for that idea
do short simpler tasks together they be subtasks? or not? then the big one