The Infamous MVC!

Learn about the MVC architecture by refactoring a single function into a full MVC application.


Learning Objectives

  • MVC
  • Refactoring
  • Architectures are just guidelines
  • Design Patterns



  1. Follow the progressive MVC Refactor Videos, coding along with George. As you follow along, build a branch/release repo like you did for Practical JavaScript in the last project.
  2. Read & replicate the 2+ Additional Codes To Study in the resource section.
  3. Refactor the final version of Practical JavaScript into a full MVC application. You will again need to do this on a separate branch and create a new release for this newest version.
  4. Build a model object that uses Arrays, and one that uses Objects to explore the impact of data structures on implementation.
  5. Get and give at least one code review for this project.



George's Code Along:

Additional Code to Study:

Additional MVC Resources:


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