Javascript Fundamentals
This is the most important part of the precourse. Learn it!
Here you will learn the fundamentals of the JavaScript programming language and start getting used solving small problems with code. The basic syntax in JavaScript isn't too complicated, it shouldn't take you very long to start writing code that doesn't break your computer. What's much much harder to learn is thinking algorithmically. No matter how smart you are, or how good you are at other difficult tasks, solving interesting problems with JavaScript may be very hard for you.
This is totally normal. Being good at programming, or learning it quickly, are not indicators of how intelligent you are. They are indicators of how close your thinking style is to that of a computer programmer.
Don't be discouraged! If you start studying now and continue to work hard through your 10 weeks with us you will come out understanding the principles of software development, and how they apply to real-world problem solving. This is a far more important skill than just learning to program. It will prepare you to join a development team immediately, and give you the foundations necessary to keep improving after you leave.
So study hard! Dig in now, and keep at it every day. The more you prepare, the more everyone will benefit.
Below are a few options for learning JavaScript. Take a look at each one and see what works best for you. If you find another one you like better, send it our way and we'll put it up!
JS Resources:
- FreeCodeCamp's video series. Youtube videos that align with their JS curriculum.
- You Don't Know JS. General reference for JavaScript
- General Reference for JavaScript, DOM
- Guide to W3 Schools)
JS Tutorials:
- Codeacademy. More guidance and approachable exercises.
- FreeCodeCamp. More challenging exercises, but less guidance. (Skip ahead to JavaScript Basics for now, you'll get a chance to cover HTML/CSS in the next step of the precourse.)
- Khan Academy, very visual. Their exercises all provide instant feedback with in-browser visuals.
JS Challenges:
- Codewars. A site full of challenging.
- Coderbyte. Another site with challenges, competitions, and larger development projects.
JS Self-Assessment:
Study Support:
- Slack! Don't forget to ask each other for help.
- And do let us know if we're missing any great resources.